Benchmarking results

Comparison of model performance on the disease dataset (16,225 samples)

Model Precision (%) Recall (%) F1-score (%) Accuracy (%)
Resnet34 97.52 97.50 97.50 97.50
Xception 96.61 96.58 96.57 96.58
VGG16 93.49 93.19 93.2 93.19
MobileNet 92.63 92.42 92.39 92.42
CNN 89.22 88.84 88.81 88.84

Resnet34 results

Classification Report

                          precision    recall  f1-score   support

   bacterial_leaf_blight    0.96947   0.97692   0.97318       130
   bacterial_leaf_streak    0.95146   0.98000   0.96552       100
bacterial_panicle_blight    1.00000   0.96667   0.98305        90
        black_stem_borer    0.98925   0.91089   0.94845       101
                   blast    0.97028   0.97234   0.97131       470
              brown_spot    0.98381   0.96047   0.97200       253
            downy_mildew    0.95954   0.95402   0.95677       174
                   hispa    0.96759   0.96984   0.96871       431
             leaf_roller    0.97727   0.98174   0.97950       219
                  normal    0.97951   0.99376   0.98658       481
                  tungro    0.98446   0.97436   0.97938       390
        white_stem_borer    0.95833   0.99606   0.97683       254
       yellow_stem_borer    1.00000   0.98684   0.99338       152

                accuracy                        0.97504      3245
               macro avg    0.97623   0.97107   0.97344      3245
            weighted avg    0.97520   0.97504   0.97500      3245

Confusion matrix

resnet34 cm

Xception results

Classification Report

                           precision    recall  f1-score   support

   bacterial_leaf_blight    0.95420   0.96154   0.95785       130
   bacterial_leaf_streak    0.94175   0.97000   0.95567       100
bacterial_panicle_blight    0.97727   0.95556   0.96629        90
        black_stem_borer    1.00000   0.91089   0.95337       101
                   blast    0.95607   0.97234   0.96414       470
              brown_spot    0.96078   0.96838   0.96457       253
            downy_mildew    0.93785   0.95402   0.94587       174
                   hispa    0.96454   0.94664   0.95550       431
             leaf_roller    0.99010   0.91324   0.95012       219
                  normal    0.96933   0.98545   0.97732       481
                  tungro    0.98454   0.97949   0.98201       390
        white_stem_borer    0.95437   0.98819   0.97099       254
       yellow_stem_borer    0.96795   0.99342   0.98052       152

                accuracy                        0.96579      3245
               macro avg    0.96606   0.96147   0.96340      3245
            weighted avg    0.96613   0.96579   0.96571      3245

Confusion matrix

xception cm

VGG16 Results

Classification Report

                           precision    recall  f1-score   support

   bacterial_leaf_blight    0.85612   0.91538   0.88476       130
   bacterial_leaf_streak    0.93204   0.96000   0.94581       100
bacterial_panicle_blight    1.00000   0.86667   0.92857        90
        black_stem_borer    0.95652   0.87129   0.91192       101
                   blast    0.94017   0.93617   0.93817       470
              brown_spot    0.90310   0.92095   0.91194       253
            downy_mildew    0.95783   0.91379   0.93529       174
                   hispa    0.95792   0.89791   0.92695       431
             leaf_roller    0.99459   0.84018   0.91089       219
                  normal    0.95297   0.96881   0.96082       481
                  tungro    0.84564   0.96923   0.90323       390
        white_stem_borer    0.93585   0.97638   0.95568       254
       yellow_stem_borer    0.98013   0.97368   0.97690       152

                accuracy                        0.93190      3245
               macro avg    0.93945   0.92388   0.93007      3245
            weighted avg    0.93488   0.93190   0.93199      3245

Confusion matrix

cm VGG16

MobileNet results

Classification Report

                          precision    recall  f1-score   support

   bacterial_leaf_blight    0.92437   0.84615   0.88353       130
   bacterial_leaf_streak    0.97727   0.86000   0.91489       100
bacterial_panicle_blight    1.00000   0.90000   0.94737        90
        black_stem_borer    0.95789   0.90099   0.92857       101
                   blast    0.91718   0.94255   0.92970       470
              brown_spot    0.85926   0.91700   0.88719       253
            downy_mildew    0.93373   0.89080   0.91176       174
                   hispa    0.90000   0.91879   0.90930       431
             leaf_roller    0.97753   0.79452   0.87657       219
                  normal    0.94960   0.97921   0.96418       481
                  tungro    0.88140   0.97179   0.92439       390
        white_stem_borer    0.95984   0.94094   0.95030       254
       yellow_stem_borer    0.94667   0.93421   0.94040       152

                accuracy                        0.92419      3245
               macro avg    0.93729   0.90746   0.92063      3245
            weighted avg    0.92627   0.92419   0.92386      3245

Confusion matrix

MobileNet cm

CNN Results

Classification Report

                           precision    recall  f1-score   support

   bacterial_leaf_blight    0.84800   0.81538   0.83137       130
   bacterial_leaf_streak    0.84545   0.93000   0.88571       100
bacterial_panicle_blight    0.98630   0.80000   0.88344        90
        black_stem_borer    0.90099   0.90099   0.90099       101
                   blast    0.92601   0.87872   0.90175       470
              brown_spot    0.92511   0.83004   0.87500       253
            downy_mildew    0.94231   0.84483   0.89091       174
                   hispa    0.90281   0.81903   0.85888       431
             leaf_roller    0.78151   0.84932   0.81400       219
                  normal    0.83158   0.98545   0.90200       481
                  tungro    0.91601   0.89487   0.90532       390
        white_stem_borer    0.90672   0.95669   0.93103       254
       yellow_stem_borer    0.91824   0.96053   0.93891       152

                accuracy                        0.88844      3245
               macro avg    0.89470   0.88199   0.88610      3245
            weighted avg    0.89219   0.88844   0.88812      3245

Confusion matrix

CNN cm